Omri Har-Shemesh bio photo

Omri Har-Shemesh

Working on my Ph.D., raising a daughter, bouldering and doing some photography

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Well, I guess the title says it all: Hello World! I have known for a long time that I should finally set up a webpage of my own where I can list my publications, tell a bit about my research and share my insights, ideas and enjoyment at discovering some new totally awesome tool or technology. So what finally got me going? I guess the thing that finally got me to spend the necessary few hours into setting up my own website was curiosity about GitHub Pages. The thing that motivates me the most to spend a few hours in front of a computer tinkering with code is learning some new technologies and the fact that GitHub pages uses Jekyll to render their webpages really got me excited.

So I browsed the web, found this excellent post on how to set-up an academic website, forked the Minimal Mistakes theme and liberally copied ideas (and code) from And here I am!

I still want to update quite a bit in the website and then I intend to start blogging, sharing my ideas, projects, experiences and just stuff I don’t want to forget how to do. I hope you will enjoy this and that this will not be my last post as well as my first :-)
